
Viper is an advanced tactical Synthetic Vision System (SVS) that is built for new generation aircraft to carry out low visibility departures, air-to-ground missions, and approaches even during degraded visual environment (DVE) situations, which are considered the prime cause of concern during tactical operations. It comes with full mission capability for air-to- ground targeting, low-level flying, terrain masking, etc, providing an asymmetric advantage over the enemies by mitigating risk.

SVS provides synthetic imagery and required flight information and symbology. It creates awareness of the terrain, obstacles, etc., from the aircraft’s present position, the aircraft attitude, and altitude, which are super-imposed on a coordinate referenced terrain database based on DTED and EGM-96/2008 model, providing holistic information necessary for the situational awareness of the crew / safe control of the aircraft.

This can be displayed on a stand-alone display surface such as an electronic flight bag or can be integrated on a HUD (if available) or head-down display (PFD or ND). Making it must have for enhancing safety of men and machine in the sky.

Viper is being developed to assist the pilot with:

  • Viper enables low visibility departures.
  • Air-to-ground missions and approaches.
  • Wire and tree canopy protection.
  • Easy installation due to stand-alone display surface HUD/HDD (PFD or ND).
  • Holistic view of the environment based on reliable information displayed in multiple layers - terrain, obstacle, traffic, ground targets, and runways.
  • Provides ambient, natural, and seamless view of the flight path by merging terrain/obstacle database with advanced symbology.

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