• AI Agents

A.J.E.E.T - Agent Jarvis an Embedded Element in your Team

A.J.E.E.T, our intelligent agent for air combat is curently under development at our innovations lab. Inspired by Star Wars, Jarvis and Pilot Associate (Lockheed Martin), currently, it is learning to fight air combat, navigate difficult terrains, recognise targets and plan air combat strategies.

Once developed it will generate believable human pilot like behaviour. It shall accompalish its mission by integrating a wide variety of intelligent capabilities, including real-time hierarchical execution of complex goals and plans, communication and coordination with humans and simulated entities, maintenance of situational awareness, and the ability to accept and respond to new orders while in flight.

A.J.E.E.T is being developed to assist the pilot with:

  • Dynamic path planning in presence of aerial and ground threat with defined constraints.
  • Threat assesment in presence of multiple aerial threats like in BVR combat.
  • Automatically recognise engagable targets from tactical imagery/video feed.
  • Want to know more?

Find out what A.J.E.E.T can do for you.

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Browse screenshots below to know more about A.J.E.E.T